Fencing: Effective but Kind to Wildlife

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4 Tips to Keep in Mind When Installing a Livestock Fence

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Fences make running a livestock farm much easier because it is easy to control the movements of the animals across the farm. Keep the following tips in mind in order to get the best from your fence.

Put Central Lanes

Central lanes or races allow you to direct the animals in any paddock you like without thinking about the location of that paddock. This is because the central lane allows you to herd the animals to that specific paddock that you would like them to graze in without making them move through several paddocks.

Build the Fence Up—Rather than Around—a Hill

Build the fence straight up the hill if your farmland is located in a hilly area. This is because such a fence will suffer minimal damage during snow weather as compared to a fence that runs across the hill. Moving snow piles up more easily on a fence that runs across a hill so that fence is likely to suffer more damage during winter.

Place the Gate Near a Corner

It is very difficult to drive animals through a gate that is located in the middle of your fence line. This is because you must deploy workers at either end of the gate to ensure that the animals do not walk past the gate. It is for this reason that you should place the gate near a corner so that the animals only have the option of going through the gate when you drive them towards that corner. This will ease your work of moving the animals from one place to another.

Pay Special Attention to the Strainer Assembly

Any fence can only be as good as the strainer assembly onto which it is anchored. Strainers refer to the bigger posts onto which you tie off the fencing material, such as the wire. Ensure that the strainers are anchored deep into the ground (four feet deep, for example) so that they can comfortably take the weight of the rest of the fence. This will keep the fence strong for a long time because the strainer assembly will be capable of handling the strain of animals bumping against different parts of that fence.

Your livestock will be properly penned in if you implement the tips above and you will have no difficulty moving those animals from one part of your farm to another. Seek advice from a fencing contractors like Phantom Fencing in case you need extra help when installing your fence.
